It’s happened again. 17 more children are shot dead at school. Many are injured.

The spin has already begun as gun proponents, the President of the United States, and other policymakers turn the conversation to mental health and away from the easy accessibility of guns and weapons of war. But let’s clear something up right away — mental illness is not a significant risk factor for or a predictor of interpersonal violence. In fact, most people with mental illness are victims of crime and not the perpetrators. We are not the only industrialized country with people with mental illness but we are the only industrialized country that has easy accessibility of guns and weapons of war that result in repeated massacres of our children and families.

With some state governments and our current Congress repeatedly doing nothing to help us protect our families and, in fact, doing everything to undermine our efforts by passing legislation weakening our gun laws, it is now on YOU. YOU have a decision to make.

  • Are you willing to give up a tax break if it will save the life of a child?
  • Are you willing to have your business continue to operate under regulations you find a nuisance if it will save the life of a child?
  • Are you willing to wait a few more days to pick up your gun from the gun seller if it will save the life of a child?
  • Are you willing to be a single issue voter and make that issue gun violence?

It is up to YOU to make these decisions every time you VOTE. Please make your choices wisely as they impact more than just you. They impact all of us.

Before you vote, you may want to consider the information available below:

  • Check out this article in Politico that reveals how much money your Representative receives from the gun lobby.
  • The National Rifle Association rates politicians across our country, regardless of party. Their good ratings are based solely on the policymaker’s opposition to ANY gun control measures including background checks and a ban on assault weapons — both measures that receive overwhelming support from people across the country and across party affiliation. You can find those ratings here.

Just as the NRA is counting on our legislators to do nothing, we are counting on you to do something! It takes all of us to save our communities and our children from gun violence.

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About the Author

Margot BennettExecutive Director, Women Against Gun Violence